Usually the local fish stores will have healthier fish. This does not mean that Petco and PetSmart’s fish are necessarily unhealthy. Fish diseases travel pretty quickly. The more fish tanks that are connected through one filtration system, the more likely that diseases will spread. Franchise stores usually have all of their tanks on one connected system, so they are at more of a risk of fish diseases spreading. Local fish stores do have some connected systems, usually the saltwater tanks. To combat the spread of disease, they have hospital systems and various medications. From my experience, Some franchises tend to have healthier fish than others. Most franchises are not allowed to dose preventive medications like local stores do.
PetSmarts do not carry saltwater fish, but they do carry saltwater products. Saltwater fish generally need larger tanks and better filtration. Petco does offer a small selection of saltwater fish, but they usually look less than perfect, no matter which location. This is for a number of reasons. Their systems do not have large enough tanks or proper filtration for saltwater fish. They do not use medicine that works on saltwater fish because corporate rules do not allow medicine to be dosed in their tanks. If they come in sick, they’re in trouble. Saltwater fish also need more specific care and because the franchise employees suffer from a lack of knowledge and training, their fish are the ones truly suffering.
This category goes to the local fish store, hands down. It’s not really even an opinion, they just have a better selection. Local fish stores have always been the place to go because of their variety. That goes for both the fish, and the products to care for them. Going to your local fish store is a great winter activity. Walking up and down the aisles, and looking at all of the awesome fish is fun for yourself, or the whole family. It’s better than going to the aquarium, because at the end you can choose one to take home for yourself!
Petco has up to a 30 day guarantee for any dead fish, as long as you bring the dead fish and a water sample. PetSmart has a 14 day guarantee with the dead fish and water sample. Local fish stores can not afford to be as generous as the franchises with a guarantee policy. Although it can greatly vary by store, you will usually get a day or two to replace the fish, but it depends on the specific shop. You are also much less likely to lose a fish when you got it from the local fish store.
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