Popeye catalufa

Popeye catalufa – (Pristigenys serrula)


A shy, nocturnal, marine fish that can be found from depths of 3 meters up to 100 meters deep. The Popeye catalufa inhabit California through Mexico down to Peru. It is a predatory fish that feeds on smaller fish and shrimp. They are peaceful with other fish as long as they can not eat them. It is in the grouping of fish with soldierfish (Holocentridae). The red coloring helps the fish camouflage in deep water because red can not be seen in deep waters. The large eyes help them hunt at night.

Pros and Cons in aquarium trade


  • Awesome looking fish
  • Peaceful with other large fish
  • Easy to feed (takes well to frozen food)
  • Will not eat coral


  • Will eat smaller fish and shrimp
  • Kind of pricey, usually around $200
  • Sensitive to parasites due to having large eyes. (Most parasites will get into the fish through the eyes because they are very porous)
  • Sensitive to getting pop eye (Air getting trapped in eye.) Can reduce risk by eliminating any micro bubbles from filtration and power heads