Vampire tetra

Vampire tetra – (Hydrolycus scomberoides)


A predatory tropical fish that can be found in the Amazon River. The vampire tetra feeds on smaller fish. They are known for their gigantic fangs on their bottom jaw. They can get along with other fish, as long as they can not consume them. These monstrous fish can reach lengths of over 3 feet! The fangs can reach an impressive length of 6 inches. The giant fangs fit into pockets in the fish’s skull. Although they have a bad reputationĀ from the TV show River Monsters, they are quite peaceful in the aquarium hobby.

Pros and Cons in aquarium trade


  • Awesome looking fish
  • Peaceful with other large fish
  • Safe for planted aquariums


  • Will eat smaller fish and shrimp
  • Sensitive to water quality and temperature change, especially at a smaller size
  • They are picky eaters, usually have to have a diet of all live food. It is difficult to get themĀ to eat dry or even frozen food.